Sunday, April 1, 2012

the duke and duchess of Prila Oolsf

Well, we did it. We made an offer on a castle. We were out for a drive today and came across a small castle on an acre of land. It is quite large and quite run down. As a result no one wanted it. The Swedish folks feel like they are a bit of a burden as it is a historic site so there are a number of rules and regulation as to what changes you can make. It is really interesting! It has a courtyard with building on three sides. Tree lined gravel driveway. The center wing has been maintained and is in good shape, both side wings need to be refurbished.

The castle was built sometime in the 1700s and was owned by the Royal family in Sweden. The agent advised that because the property was owned by the Royal family there are obligations and privileges we would have to abide by. These are from the 17 th century so some of them don’t seem to be logical. Anything with the royal emblem on it cannot be removed or changed and there are numerous things, chandeliers, door handles, tiles on the floor etc. most of which we won’t want to change, however, we expect there will be times when this will be a pain. The most interesting part is because it is a royal property we get titles. The duke and duchess of Prila Oolsf. As owners our names will be in the Royal Registries in the Royal Palace here in Stockholm.

So many interesting experiences here in Sweden.

The duke and duchess of Prila Oolsf, tuartS & artiM


  1. Well that's a coincidence because we had applied to the Canadian Gulf Islands Institute of Land Reassignment to take over a certain piece of real estate on the "Petroglyph Isle", just off Nanaimo. The reason for our application was that we had heard rumours with regards to the former owners who were apparently seeking Royal Titles in Sweden, making them ineligible to hold land here - some 17th Century legal clause or something. Upon entry of their names in the Royal Registries in the Royal Palace, we receive our "windfall" - or is that "landfall". Gosh! Prila Oolsf back, Tuarts and Artim. :))

    1. What a deal ;-)! Oh but how we would miss our other spot in paradise! There are just so many lovely places in the world to be ....

      I hope your lead up to retirement is going as planned. By the way, we looking forward to hearing those post-retirement plans!
