Sunday, March 18, 2012

another great day in Stockholm

What fun it would be if you all were here, too!  Had a great sleep and wandered down for breakfast; so wonderful to have everything made for you, including great coffee!  Chatting often with those around us, and making sure to clarify that we are Canadians ... we find many assume we are from below the 49th.  Too complicated to explain to them the story of being born there, unless I have my American passport in my hand.  ;-).  

We found an "English Church" - a protestant congregation that invites all to come from any denomination worshiping Christ, and the service is totally in English.  You are, of course, invited to say the Lord's Prayer in any language you choose!  It was totally enjoyable, well except that they served communion and everyone drinks from the same cup!  Don't they know about germs from lips in that juice!  We had to pass on that, even though they wipe the rim.  ;-).

We stayed for coffee where we met many ex-pats from many places. Stockholm appears to be a place where people come from far lands - and stay.  Hmmm...... I'm thinking.

Today we had dinner at a fabulous Indian restaurant - seriously!  Then walked the KTH campus and scoped out where I'll be meeting with people tomorrow.  I heard I have an office with a view.  Maybe that's the way they try to lure women here to stay - they have very few woman on staff.  Could be interesting ....

More later .....

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