Monday, March 12, 2012

At long last, the adventure begins ....

.... in three sleeps!  We are leaving the acreage, the dogs AND all the kids behind to go to Stockholm.  I am working for the Royal Institute of Technology there - for one month. This is the first of six one-month trips there over the next three years - so it better be fun!  Thankfully, Stuart's work is flexible enough that he can come with me and share this experience.

This time we are staying in a studio hotel room as Stockholm is high-density, and it takes 14 months on the waiting list to get a 'scholars apartment' for a month.  Luckily we don't have to shoulder the costs - and we don't have to clean or cook for this brief time ;-).  It's not the Fairmont, but our hotel is clean and close to the school.

Aaric is staying in a variety of places - including at home with Ashley and the dogs, his friend's house and possibly the Hayter/Innes condo at Kimberley.  Then he flies solo to Stockholm on April 5th to join us for the last ten days.  I will be SOOOO glad to see him .... we've hardly traveled without him!

We have hit that age where annoying but not yet serious health issues  are creeping up.  I have hypercalcium and some of the problems associated with that and Stuart has high uric acid - leading to occasional bouts of gout!  Luckily, Sweden has an excellent health care system .... we expect to come back healthier than when we left!

More soon,

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